クイズ: 冒頭の一文から当てる、この有名な科学論文はなに?

opening_lines化学ニュースサイトChemistry Viewsが、科学史に残る有名な論文の冒頭の1行目から、それがどの論文かを当てるというクイズ Opening Lines of Famous Papers を5問出題しています。音楽の「イントロ当てクイズ」みたいですね。

“It is known that several substances have the property of producing certain bright lines when brought into the flame.”

  • On the Quantum Theory of Radiation, Albert Einstein, 1917.
  • Chemical Analysis by Observation of Spectra, Gustav Kirchhoff, Robert Bunsen, 1860.
  • The Theory of Heat Radiation, Max Planck, 1914.

意外と簡単そうですか? ぜひ残りの4問にもチャレンジして下さい。ヒントだけでは正解が分からなくても、それぞれリンク先の原文で、回答の三択をご覧いただけます。

  • 第2問: “We describe monocrystalline graphitic films, which are a few atoms thick but are nonetheless stable under ambient conditions, metallic, and of remarkably high quality.”
  • 第3問: “A great deal has been written on the influence of the absorption of the atmosphere upon the climate.”
  • 第4問: “Are there different species of air?”
  • 第5問:“We report herein the existence of a metallic solid which diffracts electrons like a single crystal but has point group symmetry […] which is inconsistent with lattice translations.” 
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