<新刊紹介> Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition|生物無機化学の古典的教科書に近年の研究成果を取り入れた最新改訂版

Bioinorganic ChemistryBioinorganic Chemistry — Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life: An Introduction and Guide, 2nd Edition
 Wolfgang Kaim, Brigitte Schwederski, Axel Klein
 ISBN: 978-0-470-97523-7
 Paperback / 456 pages / August 2013
 US $75.00


 本書の目次  → さらに詳しい目次はこちら

  1. Historical Background, Current Relevance and Perspectives → サンプル章として試読用に無料公開中(PDF)
  2. Some General Principles
  3. Cobalamins, Including Vitamin and Coenzyme B12
  4. Metals at the Center of Photosynthesis: Magnesium and Manganese
  5. The Dioxygen Molecule, O2: Uptake, Transport and Storage of an Inorganic Natural Product
  6. Catalysis through Hemoproteins: Electron Transfer, Oxygen Activation and Metabolism of Inorganic Intermediates
  7. Iron–Sulfur and Other Non-heme Iron Proteins
  8. Uptake, Transport and Storage of an Essential Element, as Exemplified by Iron
  9. Nickel-containing Enzymes: The Remarkable Career of a Long-overlooked Biometal
  10. Copper-containing Proteins: An Alternative to Biological Iron
  11. Biological Functions of the “Early” Transition Metals: Molybdenum, Tungsten, Vanadium and Chromium
  12. Zinc: Structural and Gene-regulatory Functions and the Enzymatic Catalysis of Hydrolysis and Condensation Reactions
  13. Unequally Distributed Electrolytes: Function and Transport of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Cations
  14. Catalysis and Regulation of Bioenergetic Processes by the Alkaline Earth Metal Ions Mg2+ and Ca2+
  15. Biomineralization: The Controlled Assembly of “Advanced Materials” in Biology
  16. Biological Functions of the Nonmetallic Inorganic Elements
  17. The Bioinorganic Chemistry of the Quintessentially Toxic Metals
  18. Biochemical Behavior of Radionuclides and Medical Imaging Using Inorganic Compounds
  19. Chemotherapy Involving Nonessential Elements
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