待望の発売開始! 「マーチ有機化学」March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry 改訂第7版


購入前に内容をご覧になりたい方のために、第1章 Localized Chemical Bonding を 試読用に無料公開 していますので、ぜひご利用下さい。内容情報ページで、画面右上のRead Excerpt: Chapter 01 (PDF)をクリックするとPDFを読むことができます。(PDFは4.7MBあります。スマホからアクセスする際にはご注意下さい)

March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 7th Edition
Michael B. Smith
ISBN: 978-0-470-46259-1
Hardcover / 1658 pages / April 2013

 各章の構成  → 詳しい目次はこちら

1 Localized Chemical Bonding
2 Delocalized Chemical Bonding
3 Bonding Weaker Than Covalent
4 Stereochemistry and Conformation
5 Carbocations, Carbanions, Free Radicals, Carbenes, and Nitrenes
6 Mechanisms And Methods of Determining Them
7 Irradiation Processes in Organic Chemistry
8 Acids And Bases
9 Effects of Structure and Medium On Reactivity
10 Aliphatic Substitution, Nucleophilic and Organometallic
11 Aromatic Substitution, Electrophilic
12 Aliphatic, Alkenyl, and Alkynyl Substitution, Electrophilic and Organometallic
13 Aromatic Substitution, Nucleophilic and Organometallic
14 Substitution Reactions, Radical
15 Addition to Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds
16 Addition to Carbon-Hetero Multiple Bonds
17 Eliminations
18 Rearrangements
19 Oxidations and Reductions
Appendix A: The Literature of Organic Chemistry
Appendix B: Classification of Reactions by Type of Compounds Synthesized

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