二次代謝物質が豊富な植物や植物エキス:反芻動物栄養における実用性 特集号 【無料公開中】

この度Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutritionから当課題における最新研究を掲載した無料特集号が出版されました。これらの研究はタンニン、サポニン、テルペン、硫黄含有化合物等の植物の様々な二次生産物を取り上げます。

二次代謝物質が豊富な植物や植物エキス:反芻動物栄養における実用性 特集号【無料公開中】
   ⇒Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Virtual Issue:
Plants and extracts rich in secondary metabolites: their utility in ruminant nutritionfree_access

Meta-analysis of the relationship between dietary tannin level and methane formation in ruminants from in vivo and in vitro experimentsfree_access
A. Jayanegara, F. Leiber and M. Kreuzer

Preliminary results on the effects of grape (Vitis vinifera) seed condensed tannins on in vitro intestinal digestibility of the lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed protein fraction in small ruminantsfree_access
A. M. Bruno-Soares, A. L. Soares-Pereira, T. J. S. Matos and J. M. Ricardo-da-Silva

Fermentation kinetics of sainfoin hay with and without PEGfree_access
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Effect of condensed tannin ingestion in sheep and goat parotid saliva proteomefree_access
E. Lamy, G. da Costa, R. Santos, F. Capela e Silva, J. Potes, A. Pereira, A. V. Coelho and E. Sales Baptista

Effect of saponins from Enterolobium cyclocarpum on in vitro microbial fermentation of the tropical grass Pennisetum purpureumfree_access
R. Rodríguez and M. Fondevila

Terpenes transfer to milk and cheese after oral administration to sheep fed indoorsfree_access
I. Poulopoulou, E. Zoidis, T. Massouras and I. Hadjigeorgiou

Effect of Terminalia chebula and Allium sativum on in vivo methane emission by sheepfree_access
A. K. Patra, D. N. Kamra, R. Bhar, R. Kumar and N. Agarwal

Effect of several supplemental Chinese herbs additives on rumen fermentation, antioxidant function and nutrient digestibility in sheepfree_access
G. H. Qiao, X. H. Zhou, Y. Li, H. S. Zhang, J. H. Li, C. M. Wang and Y. Lu

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